Monday, October 5, 2015

A Heart Revealed By Josi S. Kilpack

This is an author I hadn't read till now, but she has written a lot! So here's an introduction about her; (taken directly from her website, a link is included. You should definitely check it out, she has some great FAQ's and a place where you can see all her events and other fun things!)

Josi S. Kilpack hated to read until her mother handed her a copy of The Witch of Blackbird Pond when she was 13. From that day forward, she read everything she could get her hands on and credits her writing “education” to the many novels she has “studied” since then. She began writing her first novel in 1998 and never stopped. Sheep's Clothing won the Whitney award for Mystery/Suspense in 207 and Wedding Cake, book twelve in the Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery series won in 2014. Josi was also the Best of State winner in Fiction for 2012.  Josi currently lives in Willard, Utah, with her husband, children and super-cute - but not very friendly - cat. Check out her website HERE!

I am going to be really honest, I hate her covers for her mystery books. They really bother me so being picky I chose not to read them. (The covers probably aren't that bad to most people, but they just look like cookbooks to me and the back never really grabbed my attention.) However, that being said after reading this book, I am quite curious about the mystery set now and will probably give them a try very soon! I have a sneaking suspicion that mystery/suspense are her forte and it's quite intriguing to me as I normally don't appreciate that genre as much as others. Let's be perfectly clear, I use to enjoy it now I am too scared to get out of my bed at night without enough lights on. I also invent all kinds of ridiculous scenarios I'm positive will happen if I don't check on my children multiple times at night. It's a bit ridiculous, but do to my diligence no intruder has ever had to be fought off with my pepper spray, my completely imagined ninja skills/fencing abilities have remained untested, and no frying pan or butch knives have ever been yielded to protect my innocent children.

Back to this months book... You will be introduced to Amber Marie Sterington, she is beautiful and all the "Rage" this season in London. She is looking for a wealthy, titled gentleman to marry, for her love (in my opinion) to her is something that doesn't really exist especially in her world.  Her social standing becomes threatened and there is nothing she nor her family can do, so they send her to Yorkshire. There is where I feel her journey truly begins...

I can't wait to hear what you guys think! Next post we will be discussing book one (the book is split into two different sections book one and book two.)  In other words try to read to page 130 this week!
As always Happy Reading!

PS  I'm apparently looking at squirrels while I write this and in my defense I have twins who don't sleep through the night so the lack of sleep maybe the cause of this post.

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