Friday, July 31, 2015

Susan Anne Mason answers on behalf of her Characters!

 This is my favorite part! This is where we asked a question to a few of the main characters.... 
To Gilbert:
What is your favorite thing about Bree?
adore almost everything about Bree, but my favorite thing is her love of horses, a passion which we share. When Bree is riding her mare, Sophie, she looks like nothing in the world can stop her. 

To Bree:
What do you love about Gil? I love his generous heart he is so compassionate and kind. And I love that he understands me like no one else!

To Colleen:
Were you surprised at your reaction to working with the orphans? I most certainly was! I thought I’d hate it. I never expected to fall in love with the children, and one little girl in particular!

To Rylan:
How has working in the orphanage changed your perspective on life or has it at all?  Not really, although when I see all these precious children without parents to love them,it has made me appreciate my family all the more.

I've hoped you've enjoyed our time with Irish Meadows, tomorrow at noon I'll be posting the winner of the book along with my review! 
As always Happy Reading! 

Susan Anne Mason- about her book!

Here is more of our question and answer from Susan, these questions are all about here book! 

Are any of the characters inspired by people in your own life?
Not intentionally, no. But when I think about the characters, I would say Brianna is the most like me. A people pleaser, a little shy, has to work on standing up for herself and for her dreams. She learned a lot quicker than I did!

What would you say is Brianna's greatest strength? Weakness?
Brianna’s greatest strength is her compassionShe feels everything very deeply and can always put herself in others’ shoes. Her weakness is her inability to stand up for herself, especially with her father.

How about Colleen? Colleen’s greatest strength is her loyalty. She is fiercely loyal to her family and those she loves. Her weakness is her ego which she learns to supress with a little help from some orphan children!  

Why is it so hard for Bree and Gil to communicate after Colleen kisses Gil? 
Because that kiss personifies Bree’s greatest fear and plays into her insecuritiesthat every man prefers her beautiful sister to her. She always shared a special bond with Gil and hed always seemed immune to Colleen. So this is a betrayal of the worst kind.

What is Rylan's greatest strength? Weakness?
Rylan’s greatest strength is his strong faith which led him to seek a vocation as a priest. His weakness, according to his superiors, is his sense of humor which gets him trouble from time to time.

How about Gilbert? Gilbert’s greatest strength is his inborn way with horses. He seems to sense what they are thinking and feeling. His weakness would be his inability to say no to his guardian, James O’Leary. 

We know that Rylan's mother played a large role in Rylan making large decisions, what role does the girls mother play when they make decisions? 
Both O’Leary girls love and respect their mother. Bree is particularly close to Kathleen and depends on her guidance. Colleen on the other hand obeys her mother but does not always agree with her.

How does Gil not having a mother play a role in his own? 
Gil admires and respects Kathleen O’Leary who took Gil in after promising Gil’s mother she would on her deathbed. Although it’s not the same as having his own mother, Gilfeels blessed to have Kathleen in his life.

Later tonight will be her answering questions on behalf of her characters! 
Happy Reading! 

Getting to know Susan Anne Mason!

Today is the day we get to learn more about the author and the book from the author herself! It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Susan Anne Mason! 

"Susan Anne Mason describes her writing style as "romance sprinkled with faith." She particularly enjoys exploring the themes of forgiveness and redemption in her stories. Irish Meadows  is her first historical novel and won the Fiction from Heartland contest sponsored by the Mid-American Romance Authors chapter of RWA. Susan lives outside Toronto, Ontario, with her husband, two children, and two cats." - About the Author 

I asked her a couple of questions about herself as well;
What made you first want to become a writer? 
I just always loved writing stories. It started in the classroom as a child and a teacher encouraged me to write a book. After high school, took a  LONG break/detour, and then started writing again in my forties!

How has the writing process differed from what you first expected?
It’s a lot more hectic now that I’m fulfilling a three book contract. I’m promoting the release of Irish Meadows, working on galleys of Book 2 and trying to write Book 3!

We're going to be talking more about her book with her later today! Share the link and comment below that you did you enter our giveaway of Irish Meadows! 

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Irish Meadows (part 2)

I'm excited to remind you all that Susan Anne Mason and I did a question and answer that we will be putting here on the blog FRIDAY! That will also be the last day to enter this weeks give away. But... Today we are talking more about the book were giving away.
This is Susan Anne Mason's first book and will have a sequel, focusing on the brother of the O'Learly sisters. We really don't learn a lot about him in the first book, so there is something to look forward to! (I'm hoping to find a little bit of an update on the sisters as well!)
Who is your favorite character so far? Anyone whom you truly detest?
I am particularly enjoying the setting. I love horses (and am determined to one day have one, though I suppose I should have grown out of that one by now) I keep picturing a lovely house surrounded by a lush meadow and so green. It seems lovely, to be able to ride a well bred horse around and enjoy good company. (Even better when you find them attractive, which Bree seems to find Gil.)
Do you believe that it's fate that brought Rylan to Irish Meadows?
To gain another entry to this weeks drawing, comment below either if you believe in fate of not. Share the link to my blog for another! As always Happy Reading!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Irish Meadows (part one)

So let's introduce this weeks book, it's a historical fiction by a brand new author Susan Anne Mason. Let's take a peak at the back cover;
1911, Long Island, New York 

Brianna and Colleen O'Leary know their Irish immigrant father expects them to marry well. Recently he's put even more pressure on them, insinuating that the very future of their Long Island horse farm, Irish Meadows, rests in their ability to land prosperous husbands. Both girls, however, have different visions for their futures. 

Brianna, a quiet girl with a quick mind, dreams of attending college. Vivacious Colleen, meanwhile, is happy to marry--as long as her father's choice meets her exacting standards of the ideal groom. When former stable hand Gilbert Whelan returns from business school and distant relative Rylan Montgomery visits Long Island during his seminary training, the two men quickly complicate everyone's plans. 

As the farm slips ever closer to ruin, James O'Leary grows more desperate. It will take every ounce of courage for both sisters to avoid being pawns in their father's machinations and instead follow their hearts. And even if they do, will they inevitably find their dreams too distant to reach? 

Things to think about while reading...
I found it interesting to focus on an Irish family at this time, many people forget that there were white slaves in this country too, they were Irish. As you read do you think that predjuices against the Irish played a role is the way James O'Leary treats his daughters or his desperation? 

These characters are faced with some hard choices, how they make them seems to be directly coordinated with their love for their family. How does this affect your own decisions? 

For another entry to win this book share this post on Facebook (just comment after you did below) 
As always, Happy Reading! 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Irish Meadows this week!

This weeks book is Irish Meadows by Susan Anne Mason, you'll also have the opportunity to win it! Keep stopping by the blog or Facebook for chances to enter! Drawing will be on Saturday! We also have a special Q&A from our author this week coming on Friday! For your first entry;  comment about what you like to know about a book before you read it? I'm truly curious so let's have a great week and as always,
Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince (review)

Everytime I start writing these I miss my book club back in Idaho and curling up in my favorite chair with cocoa and delicious treats, and talking about our books! Ladies, I miss you, but I'm happy I get to share these books with more people! So curl up with me and let's talk about our wonderful Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince 

If you are seeking a book with a bit of humor, danger, poetry and romance, this is most definitely for you!
You'll follow Meg an American girl finding her way through an English season, sponsored by the Duke of Southampton. With his lovely wife Princesa Serena and his brother-in-law, Prince Rodrigo of  Spain there is sure to be adventure in store, as both Meg and Rodrigo struggle with one thing in common, to not be judged before they are known.
This regency style romance is bound to captivate any reader and arrest you in a way only Jennifer Moore can do!

The Finer details...
If you have read other books by Jennifer Moore then you might (as I did) enjoy seeing a few familar characters. Seeing Serena again after all she endured in the previous book (Lady Emma's Campaign) as well as the Duke of Southampton.
I'm always impressed with how she is able to write a novel in a couple hundred or less pages and not leave me feeling like, "that's it?" And feel like I've missed something, or that it cannot possibly be the end. Just the feeling of contentment is left, which to me after a book is bliss.
Her chracters are engaging and well thought through, each with flaws and strengths. I am particularly impressed with her use of classical poetry throughout the book. Honestly, anyone who can quote Lord Byron like that needs an award! "and Eden revives..."  Be still my heart! Oh my, such a clean and wonderfully romantic moment. With all the poetry throughout the book I am astounded by the knowledge/research Mrs. Moore did in order to create this book.
This one I really don't want to give too much away because I know some of you are on waiting list at your library to read it, let me just say it's worth the wait. (Or if you can purchase it, do it! You'll read it more than once)

As always Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince (part 2)

This is the part where I'm dying to tell you all my favorite lines and aspects of the book. But alas, I only bring a few food for thought questions as you continue reading...

I really want you to remember how old these characters are. This is not our current times when it's normal to get married at 25 years of age and up. How do you think the age/maturity of these characters either hinders or enhances their ability to learn and grow from their circumstances?
This is something for me as a reader I think about frequently, (especially as I get older and hopefully wiser.) I on occasion will be upset with a character because "Why are they doing something so stupid!!" And I might not feel that is truly their character to do such a thing, and then I remember "oh yeah, she/he is only __ years old! Of course we're all not the brightest at that age!" That's when we have a lot of opportunities to not only discover our character but to mold it or really create our own demise.

I wonder how much we all know about European history at this time? How much do we ever study the Napoleanic Wars beyond watching a movie or a documentary? I'm going to do something a little different this time and I want to challenge anyone who reads this to learn a little but about this time period, and in the comments, please tell me something you learned! I would love to hear about it, because I truly believe that it enhances our reading i.e understanding our characters better, when we know the history of the time period. PLEASE SHARE WHAT YOU LEARN! As an incentive it will put you into this months drawing for our free book!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince (Part one)

This weeks read is great for a varied audience, I'm pretty sure my husband would enjoy this one. I have read out loud a few books to him, but I think if I told the titles he enjoyed me reading to him here, I would undoubtilty hear about it later. So we'll save that information for later... Getting back to the book!
Jennifer Moore is a wonderful and talented writer. This weeks read is one of her latest! She has also written Becoming Lady Lockwood, Lady Emma's Campaign, as well as The Sheik's Ruby  from a different publisher (and sadly the only one I have yet to read of hers.)
Let's take a peak at the back shall we;

1812--Southern belle Meg Burton is her parents' last hope of avoiding financial ruin, and a distant cousin's kind gesture seems an ideal solution: He will sponsor Meg for a London Season. The pursuit of a wealthy husband was not exactly how the bookish young woman had envisioned first trip abroad--after all, what does a girl from Charleston, South Carolina, know about being a lady? Amidst the stunning gowns and extravagant balls of the ton, Meg feels like an imposter. Thankfully, she has one friend who knows her true self--Carlo, handsome stable hand. Despite their difference in station, love blossoms between the unlikely pair, and Meg is sure of one thing: She wants nothing to do with the insufferable European aristocracy.
Prince Rodrigo de Talavera has lost everything to Napoleon. Jaded by war, he has become bitter and miserable until he meets Meg--an American woman whose eccentric schemes and passion for life remind him what it is to laugh and to love. If only she knew him for himself and not as Carlo the stable hand. With the shadow of deception looming over their happy acquaintance and the dangers of war drawing evermore near, can Meg and Rodrigo find the courage to put aside their pretenses and discover if they can be loved as they truly are?

As you are all just starting out on this read I have to tell you already I love her dedication. Book Club questions start tomorrow! Happy Reading!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Review for After a Fashion by Jen Turano

To truly understand why I love Jen Turano I'm going to tell a story of my own. A couple of years ago our little family became ecstatic about a new little one joining our family. I had past the point of when you'd miscarry and somehow I knew I was going to get another little girl that I had been praying for. I did get her but she was so sick inside me, we knew she wouldn't make it to term and would never take a breath outside of me. I was on bed rest and reading a lot when I got my first Jen Turano book, A Talent for Trouble, I laughed out loud, a lot, (and I hadn't for a while!)  I was so delighted by the characters and the setting and everything! I became an instant fan and am always one of the first to purchase any of her books, as well as a copy for a friend who needs a good story that will leave you smiling. So without further ado here is my probably bais review...

I loved it! Haha One of the best things about this book is that it is exactly what I expect from Jen Turano. (I cannot lie here (I worry a bit that you'll all think I will never say a negative thing about a book, but I will only do that if I truly believe it) It is witty and funny with delightful characters! I feel like they stay true to themselves while they go through their self discovery. I felt Oliver's self discovery was genuine he started looking at people a bit differently but kept his business side right upfront where we expected to see it. The characters have depth but can still be light and funny at times. Harriet has a difficult past and needed to work through pain and embarrassment. 
Of course a few times I want to strangle a character or two which is part of the reason I like the them, they aren't perfect, they can be ridiculous, and exasperating, finding  love can be a difficult path. . 
The story line itself is different, the end twist was wonderful, and I'm trying not to give anything away, but I really felt proud of Harriet's choice. (Read the book you'll get what I mean, and if for some reason you don't let me know!) 
I would say I'm really looking forward to the second book as it is I've already read it and would reccomend it as well, so I'm really looking forward to the third book! 
If you are looking for a read to leave you with a smile on your face that's "just delightful" (that is the only way I can really describe her books) this is one for you. Happy Reading everyone and please let me know how your reading of this book went! 

*also as a side note, most of the books I review I have purchased because they look interesting, I'm not being paid and have this blog solely for the reason of my love for books, and wanting to share! Happy Reading!  

*for those of you wondering I did loose my darling Evelyn, and you're free to read her story here; Evelyn Grace

After a Fashion (part 2)

Is anyone else having issues with posts not posting? I just must me, I am blogger impaired! So sorry on this delay, you get two posts on this wonderful book by Jen Turano!

So we've been introduced to Miss Harriet Peabody and she is the hat girl (for the moment) and we also meet Mr. Oliver Addleshaw a businessman who is currently trying to impress a Duke. Im just going to jump into discussion questions, because honestly that's all I can think about!

What would you have done had you been in Harriet's place and been attacked by Miss. Birmingham?
(My favorite part of that is her suggestion to put her in the "Long Island Home Hotel for Nervous Invalids" that is something I most certainly would have done!)

I thought a lot about Oliver's comment about having to create a list trying to help him find a suitable companion. That women had thrown themselves on him ridiculously where he seemed to not want even try. How would you feel in his position?
I would probably not want to try either, I want romance. (I'm a hopeless romantic at heart) it would be so hard (and this is something I think about from time to time reading about people fictional or not) when people only want you for a specific reason. That could be anything from money, status, help in some way, but that relationship if it is one sided, is hardly fair for either sides.

I love Mrs. Hart (I have a feeling in the 3rd book in the series we may get to know her even better)  I would just love to hear people's thoughts on her!

The end is a nice twist and I don't want to give it away! So stay tuned for an overall review! Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

After a Fashion by Jen Turano (part 1)

Welcome back everyone! This weeks read is by a lovely author, Jen Turano. She is wonderful! (Seriously guys she writes good books and is one of the kindest people.) She writes historical fiction with a nice dose of humor, her books are truly delightful. If you are looking for a nice read over the weekend, she's a great go to.
The book we're reading this week is After a Fashion, her first book in her second series. The back of the book reads;
"Miss Harriet Peabody dreams of the day she can open up a shop selling refashioned gowns to independent working women like herself. Unfortunately, when an errand for her millinery shop job goes sadly awry due to a difficult customer, she finds herself out of an income. 

Mr. Oliver Addleshaw is on the verge of his biggest business deal yet when he learns his potential partner prefers to deal with men who are settled down and wed. When Oliver witnesses his ex not-quite-fiance cause the hapless Harriet to lose her job, he tries to make it up to her by enlisting her help in making a good impression on his business partner. 
Harriet quickly finds her love of fashion can't make her fashionable. She'll never truly fit into Oliver's world, but just as she's ready to call off the fake relationship, fancy dinners, and elegant balls, a threat from her past forces both Oliver and Harriet to discover that love can come in the most surprising packages."

Something I thought after reading this book was how do socialital demands affect the choices I make? Just some food for thought. Happy Reading everyone! 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Review for Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden

Let me start off by saying, I truly enjoyed this book.  Lately I've been having a hard time finding books that have a good plot line along with a love story. I want to see the characters overcoming real conflict. If you are a fan of that, then this book is for you.
Here is the description of the book (taken directly from Amazon)
"After a childhood rampant with uncertainty, Lydia Pallas has carved out a perfect life for herself. She spends her days within sight of the bustling Boston Harbor, where her skill with languages has landed her an enviable position as a translator for the U.S. Navy.

Lydia's talents bring her to the attention of Alexander Banebridge, a mysterious man in need of a translator. Driven by a campaign to end the opium trade, Bane is coolly analytical and relentless in his quest. He cannot afford to fall for Lydia and must fight the bittersweet love growing between them.

When Bane's enemies gain the upper hand, he is forced to turn to Lydia for help. Determined to prove her worth, Lydia soon discovers that carrying out Bane's mission will test her wits and her courage to the very limits."
I felt this description was fantastic, one of my big pet peeves is reading the back of the book, choosing to purchase it and then the story has very little to do with the back. (It is shocking how often this happens)
The characters have depth to them, which helps you to understand their choices and helps the book to flow well. Overall I would give this book five stars.


Okay, this is where I talk super casual and give away lots about the book, (that's why I encourage you to read with us) ANYWAY....
This book kept me turning pages, Elizabeth Camden's ability to tell a good story really came through here, starting at the beginning giving Lydia this beautiful childhood, (even if it is just to her.) She came from such a loving home where parents truly cared for each other. When she later talks about her father telling her stories of the stars it was lovely. 
Her job at the Navy Yard was interesting and played well with her childhood. Her co-workers were interesting and I loved that their personalities actually existed! I've read some books where they are there and they'll have a place in the story but you really don't know anything about them save for the fact that the character knows them. I liked that they reserved some ire for the Admiral when he fired her.
I honestly didn't know how I felt about Lydia and Bane going through garbage and desks together after hours, part of me was they are trying to do something good, the other just felt the acute invasion of privacy. So I took a little while and thought what would I do? What would I want someone else to do, and discovered I would probably do the same.
I felt it a bit of comic relief when Bane tried to get Lydia married off to the Admiral.  The fact that they fought so loudly about it and then Bane was so casual about the whole ordeal. Bane's character was just interesting, he had depth and faults. I enjoyed that even if a time or two I got annoyed with him.
Bane's story about finding faith and then doing good was not over done and showed an important part of himself. I felt it made it feel more real. That they (even though I'm talking about them like real people) had a real relationship, they shared things about their faith or lack of faith at times. It added another layer to these characters.
Seeing Lydia's courage when the Admiral son was taken and Bane's defense for her was one of those great moments in a book where you read the scene twice because Lydia showed such courage and tried so hard, but falls short of saving herself. And Bane coming to the rescue and carrying her to where she could be treated by a doctor and really saving her life was one of those hold your breath times. (I think I may have read a few too many books where one of the main characters comes to a bad end)  
I really loved that Lydia due to growing up for many years in an orphanage developed an addiction to opium. That really could have happened and she took it so well and to me it showed such depth of character to admit it and start trying to stop right away. (I'm also baffled that it was it a children's medication and that actually happened!) I felt like it was a great thing to put Lydia and Bane through to develop as a couple as well. Bane's comment of not being able to marry an addict I felt was blunt and completely his character.
Overall, I couldn't put this book down it was a true pleasure and I can't wait till I read another (and she has several others out) again.
Let me know how you liked it!
Happy Reading

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Against the Tide (part 2)

Alright I hope most of you are nearing then end, till then here's a few questions to think about...

How do you think Bane enjoying taunting/tormenting the professor influenced the story line? Or rather because Bane enjoyed taunting him was that part of the reason he wasn't willing/ready to give up fight against him?

Do you think that Bane and Lydia "breaking" into the Custom House was morally right?

How does Lydia gain courage from learning that Bane does indeed love her?

Happy Reading! Final discussion questions tomorrow!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Against the Tide (part 1)

Each book I'll review in 4 parts (or attempt, depending on how crazy my week begins.) The first three parts going through the book and trying to get you guys to get into a discussion, (I really want to hear your thoughts!) We'll do a beginning, middle, end, and conclude in an overall review of the book. That way if you are still reading the book you can still follow along with us! So lets begin!
We've been introduced to Lydia, a young immigrant girl who lived on a boat for much of her young life. She already knows several languages but not English and begins going to school in Boston. I really enjoyed the insight of the "fight" between her parents when her father does not wish her to go to school one of the reasons being that she doesn't know English, and her mother protests by saying that she already knows four languages and one was just from being in a place for a year. I enjoying learning early on that this is simply one of her talents, languages do come easier to some than others and Lydia is one such girl. This talent leads her to a position at the US Navy yard. 
I wonder why Lydia is not yet married at this point in her life? (obviously this would change the story drastically but at this time period women are usually married by her age) Could it be her orphan status, or is it more to do with her incredible tidiness and need for order?
I think that she works so hard to create a life for herself that she has left little room in it for another and that she would need to be pushed into a relationship one way or another. 
How may her relationships at work helped her in life? Have they kept her content?
I thought that this was probably the biggest reason for her not being married. The fact that she cares deeply for her co-workers, they have become family . Their annoying quarks have become endearing to her and she is content right now creating for herself a home.  
She needs money to keep her home and is helplessly far away when Banebridge offers her the extra translation jobs and gets her much needed money to try and keep her place. 
How would you feel about such a character approaching you with a job? Would you take it? 
This one I am not sure of. With Admirals being friends with him it leads me to think that I would, only because of him and knowing he's a good man. 
She soon begins to wonder about the motive behind the translation work. Would you care about his motives?
She is starting to care/like him if I was that I'm not sure I would care. He's attractive and I'm a marriageable age but I think I can very much appreciate the fact that she comes out and asks him. Her directness and wanting to feel at ease with him I find perfect. 
Alright that's all I'm going to say for now just in case you just started reading, if you haven't what did you think?  What are some things you thought of as you read? I want to know! 
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Time to Start Reading!

It's July and the first official month of blogging here for me. And more importantly it's time to start reading! I will keep each months schedule on the right side of the blog. I have chosen already the first months reading (one book per week) but I would love to hear from the readers about any books on their reading lists that they would like to have reviewed here.
Our first book Against the Tide is by Elizabeth Camden. It was published in 2012 by Bethany House Publishers.
Set in the late 1800's we met Lydia, an immigrant and due to her unusual upbringing has learned many languages providing her with a valuable skill, leading her to her job of translating for the U.S. Navy. "Lydia's talents bring her to the attention of Alexander Banebridge, a mysterious man in need of a translator. Driven by a campaign to end the opium trade, Bane is coolly analytical and relentless in his quest. He cannot afford to fall for Lydia and must fight the bittersweet love growing between them." (from the back excerpt)
When circumstances lead them to work together again will they be able to overcome evil in more than one form?

Enjoy your reading we'll see you next Monday to begin our review/discussion on this book!


And the WINNER is...

Thank you so much to all those who participated in our first giveaway, entering both here and on the blog and of Facebook. I truly appreciate the support of getting this up and running despite the technical issues I've had. (Let's see how long I can thank you before you guys just give up and never find out who the winner is... Just kidding)


I will contact you through Facebook to get your address and get Reforming Lord Ragsdale  by Carla Kelly sent to you!