Friday, July 31, 2015

Susan Anne Mason- about her book!

Here is more of our question and answer from Susan, these questions are all about here book! 

Are any of the characters inspired by people in your own life?
Not intentionally, no. But when I think about the characters, I would say Brianna is the most like me. A people pleaser, a little shy, has to work on standing up for herself and for her dreams. She learned a lot quicker than I did!

What would you say is Brianna's greatest strength? Weakness?
Brianna’s greatest strength is her compassionShe feels everything very deeply and can always put herself in others’ shoes. Her weakness is her inability to stand up for herself, especially with her father.

How about Colleen? Colleen’s greatest strength is her loyalty. She is fiercely loyal to her family and those she loves. Her weakness is her ego which she learns to supress with a little help from some orphan children!  

Why is it so hard for Bree and Gil to communicate after Colleen kisses Gil? 
Because that kiss personifies Bree’s greatest fear and plays into her insecuritiesthat every man prefers her beautiful sister to her. She always shared a special bond with Gil and hed always seemed immune to Colleen. So this is a betrayal of the worst kind.

What is Rylan's greatest strength? Weakness?
Rylan’s greatest strength is his strong faith which led him to seek a vocation as a priest. His weakness, according to his superiors, is his sense of humor which gets him trouble from time to time.

How about Gilbert? Gilbert’s greatest strength is his inborn way with horses. He seems to sense what they are thinking and feeling. His weakness would be his inability to say no to his guardian, James O’Leary. 

We know that Rylan's mother played a large role in Rylan making large decisions, what role does the girls mother play when they make decisions? 
Both O’Leary girls love and respect their mother. Bree is particularly close to Kathleen and depends on her guidance. Colleen on the other hand obeys her mother but does not always agree with her.

How does Gil not having a mother play a role in his own? 
Gil admires and respects Kathleen O’Leary who took Gil in after promising Gil’s mother she would on her deathbed. Although it’s not the same as having his own mother, Gilfeels blessed to have Kathleen in his life.

Later tonight will be her answering questions on behalf of her characters! 
Happy Reading! 

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